Price list for translation between English and Swedish
English language and Swedish language. This language pair has one of the highest average rates per word for translations. This is due to the fact that there are relatively few professional Swedish language translator which are native Swedes. Average rates from a translation agency based in Sweden is vary between 1-3 SEK per word. The world market price states approximately 0.14 US dollars per word for the language pair ENGLISH-SWEDISH. During a limited time you will be able to get translations here for a price far below market average. This is because this is a new translation agency and we need to build our reputation and customer reviews. As you can see in the price table below the picture, our price is at the moment 1/3 of the normal market price! -A Real Bargain!
Price list for the translation service specialized in English to Swedish translations
Translation English<->Swedish ..............$0.10/word
Voice-Over ................................................$10/min
Transcription............................................ $0.06/word